With these Cheat codes, you can deposite as many Pokemon as you want into the GTS of Pokemon SM/USUM.

Customfirmware on your 2ds/3ds is requied

The steps are simple:
Take the Codes from this description and enter them into the Action Replay section inside a CTRPluginFramework.
I suggest to download it from here:
The other details are on that website too.
Once you've entered the codes into it you are ready to spam the GTS freely, that can be customized with other codes like gender manipulation too.
Here are the codes:
Game: Pokémon Sun & Moon
Credits: Knox & Spooky
[GTS Delimiter]
D3000000 33000000
200D8DAC 00000000
D2000000 00000000
[GTS Gender Change]
D3000000 32000000
20A6A174 0000000X
D2000000 00000000
X: Gender
ID: 0 - Female, 1 - Male, any other = shows male or female but causes crash if someone tries to trade it
[GTS Level Change]
D3000000 32000000
20A6A178 0000000X
D2000000 00000000
X: Level Request
ID: try out any ids on your own
[GTS Wanted Pkmn Change]
D3000000 32000000
10A6A170 0000XXXX
D2000000 00000000
XXXX: Pokédex Number
[GTS Message Text Change]
D3000000 32000000
20A6A17C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000
XX = Text Form
ID: 6F for invisible
Game: Pokémon Ultra Sun & Moon
Credits: Knox & Spooky
[GTS Delimiter]
D3000000 33000000
20014DF4 00000000
D2000000 00000000
[GTS Gender Change]
D3000000 32000000
20992174 0000000X
D2000000 00000000
X: Gender
ID: 0 - Female, 1 - Male, any other = shows male or female but causes crash if someone tries to trade it
[GTS Level Change]
D3000000 32000000
20992178 0000000X
D2000000 00000000
X: Level Request
ID: try out any ids on your own
[GTS Wanted Pkmn Change]
D3000000 32000000
10992170 0000XXXX
D2000000 00000000
XXXX: Pokédex Number
[GTS Message Text Change]
D3000000 32000000
2099217C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000
XX = Text Form
ID: 6F for invisible