Item title
Item image
Item price
2 000
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Item information
- This item can be used ∞ times
- This item has no expiration date
- This item can not be refunded
Item creation time
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:15 pm
Item edit time
Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:04 pm
Item description
Photosynthesis occurs across its body under the sun. The shell on its back is actually hardened soil.
Realiza la fotosíntesis al bañarle los rayos de sol. Su concha está formada por tierra endurecida.

Photosynthesis occurs across its body under the sun. The shell on its back is actually hardened soil.
Realiza la fotosíntesis al bañarle los rayos de sol. Su concha está formada por tierra endurecida.