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Pokémon Following Platinum Platform:

Pokémon Following Platinum is a ROM hack, based on Pokémon Platinum Version. It brings the beloved Walking Pokémon feature from Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver to Sinnoh as well. You can walk side by side with any of the 493 existing Pokémon and interact with them, as you rediscover the landscapes of the mythical Sinnoh. The main story and locations are fundamentally intact, which makes Following Platinum not only ideal to play Platinum again, but also a potential base for other new projects to build upon.

Authors of the project: Mikelan98 and AdAstra/LD3005 Translation to Spanish: Christt105
Your Pokémon Follows You!

The Walking Pokémon feature allows you to walk around with your favourite Pokémon throughout the entire game and interact with it whenever you want, as in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Your Pokémon's reactions may vary depending on how strong your bond is and where you currently are, and the classic HeartGold and SoulSilver emoticons will pop up depending on your Pokémon's mood. However, this mechanic may be disabled in special locations (the Underground) or circumstances (riding the bike).

Adapted Game Events

The presence of a Pokémon constantly following the player inherently called for a restoration of all main game events, in all areas. Your Pokémon will always be part of the scene to keep you company along your journey!

Animated Pokémon In The Overworld

All Pokémon which were in the vanilla games already (Drifloon, Psyduck, Pikachu...) now use their animated sprites from Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, instead of the classic static sprite.

Mechanics Adapted To Sinnoh

Although Pokémon Platinum and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver share a lot of features, some exclusive mechanics have also been adapted in order to fully integrate the Walking Pokémon experience in the game. For example, your Pokémon will slide down a sand slope with you, move along with you when watering berries or correctly interact with the flashlights in Hearthome City Gym.

Updated Battle Themes

Enjoy an enhanced arrangement of Sinnoh's Wild Battle and Trainer Battle themes!

Framerate Unlocking

In order to speed up certain parts of the game, you will be able to unlock the framerate. This feature allows you to increase the gameplay speed either only in battles or anywhere. You can also turn off this option if you prefer to play the game with the classic speed.

Fairy Type

Added a new download which includes Fairy type. Every Gen I-IV Fairy-type Pokémon got its types updated as in the latest Pokémon games.

Fairy Type is exclusive to the download that says "Fairy Type version", below the normal download window.
ARM Assembler: Used for assembling and allocating every subroutine that was added to the ROM in order to implement the Walking Pokémon.

IDA Pro: Essential for disassembling and reverse engineering of the original subroutines and for debugging the new implemented ones.

DSPRE: Used for modifying scripts, editing texts and placing events and overworlds in the maps, as well as other minor edits.

PDSMS: A very powerful tool used for editing two tileset files and a building list file.

CrystalTile2: A tool for importing the modified files in the ROM.

HxD: Used for copying the assembled code into the binary executable files.

kiwiDS: A tool used for packing new NARC archives.

DeSmuME: A Nintendo DS emulator essential for testing the game and checking for possible bugs.

Tinke: Used for adding the Following Platinum logo to the title screen and editing the ROM banner icon and description.

Mikelan98, Nomura: ARM9 Expansion Subroutine (pokehacking.com/r/20041000)

Mikelan98, BagBoy: Fairy Type in Pokemon Platinum (pokehacking.com/r/20071800)
Version 1.1.2 - 04 August 2022

Breaking Changes:

- There are now two different patches to apply to the base ROM: the default patch no longer has the Fairy type implemented, leaving this feature to a specific, different patch.

Version 1.1.1 - 20 November 2021

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a bug that made the game freeze at the start of a double battle with a following Pokémon.

Version 1.1.0 - 17 November 2021

New Features:

- Following Pokémon will now appear by the player's side, instead of being released from its Pokéball, when showing up in a battle.

- Fairy type has been added to the game: existing Pokémon and moves got updated their elemental types to match the Gen VI ones.

- Button L is now mapped as button A by default.

Version 1.0.1 - 09 November 2021

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a bug that made the game crash when starting a new savegame on the NDS or the 3DS.

Version 1.0.0 - 09 November 2021

Initial release.
Author Mikelan98 AdAstra/LD3005
Submitted9 Nov 2021
Current version1.1.2
Current statusCompleted
Last updated04 Aug 2022
Size5.82 MB

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Download (Fairy Type version)
Author Mikelan98 AdAstra/LD3005
Submitted9 Nov 2021
Current version1.1.2
Current statusCompleted
Last updated20 Nov 2021
Size5.82 MB

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Download (Spanish)
Translator Christt105
Submitted13 Mar 2023
Current version1.1.2
Current statusCompleted
Last updated13 Mar 2023
Size21.61 MB

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